YLove Big Cats
The asiatic lion is not a species
For a very long time, we have been believing that there were two lion species surviving (the African lion and the Asiatic lion). The Asiatic lion was represented by this small group of lions in the Gir forest of India. Panthera leo leo (the African lion) Panthera leo persica (the Asiatic lion) You have to…
The big paws of the Canadian lynx
A post/article that is relatively old but that is very detailed about the size of the paws of the Canadian lynx. Starting from spectacular photos, the discussion rolls around the reason (from the species evolution point of view) for the appearance of such big/huge paws, in comparison with the American bobcat smaller ones. The enormous…
Protection of your privacy and of your data
You may not have noticed it but European Regulations recently required some significant changes on web sites, in order to make sure that they are respectful of their visitors and -even more importantly- of the privacy of their data. Our web site has been adapting since a few weeks with a few nice changes, including:…
Snow leopard: Three new subspecies
Up to now, the snow leopard was considered as a single species (Panthera uncia, in Latin), what most scientists would call a “monotypic” species or a single species: All the animals in the world were considered part of a single species with no significant difference. But this may change soon after a study by researchers, including…
New template for YLoveBigCats
In Fall, old leaves will drop down. It’s time to see things in a new light. So, it’s time for YLoveBigCats to express itself in new ways with a new template, more modern, more dynamic and more compatible with smartphones and other tablets.
Playing with lion cubs…
Kevin Richardson appears to have found a way to approach African lions in total security. Today, we can see him with a lionness which let hime handle her cubs. Don’t try this at home. Or with your own Fido, not with Nala…