YLove Big Cats

  • Big, small, all cats are the same

    If you thought that a house cat was really different from a big cat, think again. If you thought that a lion or a leopard was from a different stock than the neighbours’ little feline, see that they’re all the same:

  • Eagle vs. leopard (in a tree)

    Eagle vs. leopard (in a tree)

    It is quite usual to see a leopard in a tree. After all, these big cats climb up there quite commonly and often bring their dead prey into the high branches to protect them from the competition (like a wandering hyena). But it is quite rare to see a leopard hunt in a treee. When,…

  • A flipboard for YLoveBigCats

    A few changes for YLovePhoto in 2015. Starting with the decision of adding a special complement to the web site for those who know and love FlipBoard, a powerful way to flip pages on Internet-based magazines. It’s even easier if you chose to use your smart phone: your magazine pages are flipped from the tip…

  • Cheetah’s speed machine run in images

    Cheetah’s speed machine run in images

    I love the way cheetahs outperform many man-made machines in terms of acceleration and speed. But I also love it when somebody demonstrates beautifully how it works and gives us some stats and facts about cheetahs. Lovely visit to be done to Cheetah’s Nature speed machine.

  • Tiger vs. robot camera

    Tiger vs. robot camera

    A tiger is really a big big cat. But it’s also as curious as any kitten.

  • Never turn your back on big cats

    The big cats are wild hunters and killing machines, even when held in captivity for a long time. See how these ones (lions, tigers, and all) behave once they notice that a possible pray is not looking. Ready for a kill at any time. Tame, you said?