Tag: video

  • Playing with lion cubs…

    Playing with lion cubs…

    Kevin Richardson appears to have found a way to approach African lions in total security. Today, we can see him with a lionness which let hime handle her cubs. Don’t try this at home. Or with your own Fido, not with Nala…

  • You never saw a cheetah run like that

    You never saw a cheetah run like that

    Actually, the Cincinnati Zoo posted a video of Savanna, a cheetah. But the camera was… on the shoulders of the cheetah. Bumpy ride at full speed, but nice to see.

  • Big, small, all cats are the same

    If you thought that a house cat was really different from a big cat, think again. If you thought that a lion or a leopard was from a different stock than the neighbours’ little feline, see that they’re all the same:

  • Never turn your back on big cats

    The big cats are wild hunters and killing machines, even when held in captivity for a long time. See how these ones (lions, tigers, and all) behave once they notice that a possible pray is not looking. Ready for a kill at any time. Tame, you said?

  • Friendly battle with the lions

    Kevin Richardson is well known for his success in approching lions enough to share games with them like if they were big kittens (obviously very big, too). This time, with the help of a portable video camera on his head, you will be able to experience some of what is happenning to him when a…

  • The lion who was crazy about football

    YouTube link