Category: Jaguar

  • Fail: Capturing last US jaguar leads to its death

    Fail: Capturing last US jaguar leads to its death

    Jaguar (Panthera onca) was thought to be absent from the United States of America territory. But for a few years, people have been tracking the moves of two animals Macho A and Macho B within the borders of the Arizona state. Macho A was probably dead a few years ago and Macho B was now…

  • Jaguar back in Mexico

    Jaguar back in Mexico

    It was thought that jaguars had completely disappeared from Central Mexico since the beginning of the XXth Century. But here is one of these predators taken by a photographic trap in the Sierra Nanchititla Natural Reserve. In total, there were three photos shot and scientists also found jaguar feces in this region. It is supposed…

  • Birth of a baby jaguar

    Birth of a baby jaguar

    The Palm Beach zoo now has a new jaguar cub (a female born October 28, 2008 at 4:13:32 AM). What is further interesting is that they shot a black-and-white video of the birth itself.

  • Panthera, species and subspecies

    Panthera is a genus of the family Felidae (the cats), which contains four well-known living species: the tiger, the lion, the leopard and the jaguar. The genus comprises about half of the big cats. One meaning of the word panther is to designate cats of this family. Only these four cat species have the anatomical…

  • Black baby jaguar in Peru

    Black baby jaguar in Peru

    The cute little cub was born in the Huachipa zoo in Lima, Monday, May 5, 2008.